Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity

The Case of the Case of Mistaken Identity by Mac Barnett; ill. Adam Rex (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2009).

This hilarious mystery adventure introduces readers to detective wanna be Steve Brixton, who does not have a brother, but who knows from his vast experience reading detective fiction that all detectives have fraternal sidekicks. He constantly consults The Bailey Brothers' Detective Handbook as well as his encyclopedic knowledge of their many adventures, gleaned from multiple readings of the fifty-nine books in the Bailey Brothers Mysteries series. Sure, Steve may not have the boxing experience or electrical skills of his heroes, but he knows where to find information--at the library! Oddly enough, the librarians seem to be the villainous foes as Steve's first brush with detecting evolves. Who knew checking out a book on quilts for an eight-page English paper could lead to hidden treasures, cryptic symbols, and dangerous night-time bike rides with a bookmobile in hot pursuit?

Laugh out loud funny with superb illustrations. Highly recommended for boys and girls, ages 8-12.

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