Sunday, February 19, 2012

Angel Evolution

Angel Evolution by David Estes (Smashwords, 2011); review e-copy provided by author.

Eighteen-year-old Taylor is a freshman in college who has a sixth sense about people and believes in signs, so she's sure that the four-leaf clover the glowing boy Gabriel just found for her bodes well for her new start despite her scary nightmares of black-caped figures and a red-eyed snake.  Her best friend Sam urges her to take a chance, and Taylor becomes involved with Gabriel, but can she really trust him?

Angel Evolution relies on many of the tried-and-true components of YA fiction, including instalove, angels, demons, ninja fights, and highly wrought melodrama of good v. evil.  There are a few twists in the traditional associations, but truthfully they seem kind of gimmicky to me.  The prose, particularly in the dream sequence that starts the novel, is so overwritten I nearly quit reading, but fortunately the writing settles down with only a few clunkers ("skeins of rain"--think about it...just doesn't work). Overall, not a bad read, especially if you're a fan of angel fiction, but not top notch.  Fine for ages 14 & up.  Alcohol, sexual situations.

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